March 5, 20:00, Online Concert from Vilnius

Everyone with the ticket can view the recording on bezrindas.lv until March 19.


Alvils Altmanis (1950) Triptych,

Aleksandr Žedeljov (1983) Friendly DNA Genocide (premiere),

Mykolas Natalevičius (1985) dew.mist,

Julius Aglinskas (1988) In Between Silence,

Rūta Vitkauskaitė (1984) Hightet,

Anatolijus Šenderovas (1945–2019) Dialogue I-II for violin and cello

In 2019 the Composers Unions of all three Baltic States have joined together in a Baltic Contemporary Music Network that aims to cooperate between the states and promote the Baltic contemporary music abroad. In April and May 2021, the First Baltic Music Days will take place in Tallinn and Tartu. On the eve of this event, we invite Estonian and Lithuanian contemporary music ensembles to perform the music of composers from all three Baltic States.
Twenty Fingers Duo is a duet of contemporary and modern music artists Lora Kmieliauskaite (violin) and Arnas Kmieliauskas (cello), featuring vivid and multifaceted performances of intense sound that change the sound and space, re-discovering the authenticity, pause and silence of instrumental timbre. L. Kmieliauskaitė and A. Kmieliauskas - multiple winners of national and international music performance competitions. Twenty Fingers Duo is recognized for its intense and engaging performances and unique sound, and has earned the name of an ambitious and curious ensemble for its ongoing collaborations, exploring performativity in its performances and promoting contemporary Lithuanian music.

Additional information - www.facebook.com/komponisti

Festival Passes: 15 EUR (Foot concert for 2 legs - a pass for one person for 5 on-line concerts).

40 EUR (Foot concert for 6 legs - a pass for three persons for 5 on-line concerts)

Online shows - bezrindas.lv

The festival is supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation, Latvian Radio 3 "Klasika", Riga Latvian Society and the Internet journal Satori, HDPD Productions & Dreams