March 4, 20:00, Online Concert

Vocal Ensemble "Putni" and Saxophone Quartet "Atomos"

Platons Buravickis "Planktons" saksofonu kvartetam (premiere),

Sabīne Ķezbere "Tanka" vokālai grupai (premiere),

Madara Pētersone "Serendipity" saksofonu kvartetam (premiere),

Aleksejs Peguševs "M’illumino d’immenso" vokālai grupai un saksofonu kvartetam (premiere),

Anna Veismane "Šatum" (2018),

Līva Blūma "Putni, kas nedzied" (2018)

Two musical opposites are going to meet in this concert - the spirited and attractive masters of saxophone, the "Atomos" quartet and the charming and feminine singers of the "Putni". Both ensembles are united by their love for new challenges, synthesis of musical styles and cooperation with their contemporary composers. The program of the concert is as contrasting as the musicians themselves - from the poetic enlivening of the Japanese tankas in music by Sabīne Ķezbere to the vibrant and microtonal Planktons of Platons Buravickis. Both ensembles will have to perform a new opus together, it is going to be the M’illumino d’imenso of the Helsinki and Oxford graduate composer Alexey Pegushev. There will be also a premiere of Serendipity of Madara Pētersone for the saxophone quartet that brings together music fragments like pieces of a puzzle to create a familiar musical image. The program also has two pieces written for "Putni" by the composers Līva Blūma and Anna Veismane.

The main task set for the vocal ensemble "Putni" on their inception in 1993 was to distance themselves from the traditional vocal women ensembles and prove that women vocal ensembles can claim to be more than a performer of folksy music accompanied on a piano. A unique and noteworthy repertoire has been created by purposefully and carefully selecting new pieces of music by contemporary Latvian and foreign composers.
 For a long time "Putni" was the only vocal band that affected the whole ensamble singing movement and inspirited more and more bands to focus on serious concert repertoire.

Additional information -

Festival Passes: 15 EUR (Foot concert for 2 legs - a pass for one person for 5 on-line concerts).

40 EUR (Foot concert for 6 legs - a pass for three persons for 5 on-line concerts)

On-line shows - bezrindas.lv

Video director -  Gints Fārenhorsts

The festival is supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation, Latvian Radio 3 Klasika, Riga Latvian Society and the Internet journal Satori, HDPD Productions & Dreams